Parkunload Control is a mobile application exclusively aimed to parking enforcement agents, which allows them to verify, warn and report the parking status of vehicles parked in regulated parking zones through the PARKUNLOAD® digital platform, based on mobile applications and Bluetooth devices.
PKUN Control App sign-up
User sign-up as a parking agent must be requested to the administration service of the city's PARKUNLOAD platform, who can authorize the access to the app using the Agent's email address and a password.
Parking inspection
Once selected the parking zone, the PKUN Control App displays the permit and remaining parking time for each of the vehicles with a current parking session, as well as a list of expired parking sessions.
The mobile app displays the parking status for the selected vehicle, color-coded as follows:
- GREY: Proof-of-parking valid and paused, until the zone regulation hours start.
- GREEN: Parking session valid and in progress.
- ORANGE: Parking session about to expire, e.g. 5 minutes left.
- RED: Parking ticket has timed out, after exceeding the maximum time allowed.
The application also displays a map with the remaining time of parking sessions in nearby areas.